2015 All European countries are not the same! 
The Dublin Regulation and onward migration in Europe


Marianne Takle
Marie Louise Seeberg

NOVA Report 12/15

Presented December 2015

This report describes a Dublin System on the brink of a major crisis. The report examines the significance of the Dublin Regulation for the onward migration of asylum seekers within Europe, based on data collected in Norway, Sweden, and Germany from February to April 2015. Our findings from this period are currently confirmed and strengthened with the increasing numbers of asylum seekers coming to Europe.

Full presentation in English

I en ny forskningsrapport fra NOVA/HiOA har forskerne Marianne Takle og Marie Louise Seeberg, tatt for seg Dublinforordningens betydning når asylsøkere velger å reise videre etter ankomst i EU/Schengen-området. Datamaterialet ble samlet inn i Norge, Sverige og Tyskland, i perioden fra februar til april 2015.

Rapporten beskriver et dublinsystem som er på vei inn i en krise.

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